Article Guruz

How to Deal With Grief in a Healthy Way


Emotions are what separate humans from machines. They are an important pillar supporting the very core of our existence. Emotions come in all sorts of faces, happiness, sadness, grief, excitement, nervousness, and many more. Each time you do something new or get into trouble there are all these neurotransmitters released from your brain and nerve ending that make you feel things accordingly. Some emotions are good to feel and we want to feel them as much as possible, for example, the emotion of happiness or comfort that comes when we are with someone we love, on the other hand, there are emotions we dread, like sorrow and grief. We never want to put ourselves into a situation where we have to feel something like this.

Although we do not always have a choice to avoid certain situations, life always has its ups and downs, and regardless of the control we have over our lives at the moment there is only so much we can control. Sometimes, we are put into difficult situations that force us to feel in certain ways, the kind we never want to feel, but regardless of the effort we put into denying certain emotions they will exist and we have to feel them. The difference between feeling these emotions and trying to avoid them is the idea of acceptance. Any difficulty starts with one basic truth which is accepting the situation rather than avoiding it. This is the first step to eventually getting out of any difficult situation or emotion. Grief is one of the most feared emotions. It is the feeling of helplessness that makes it worse. We feel grief about losing a loved one or when a beautiful relationship comes to an end in difficult circumstances. It is very hard to deal with grief and people turn to harmful ways to deal with it. But, one should always remember that there are healthy ways to deal with grief, the effects might not be instant but they sure are long-lasting:

– The first step to dealing with grief is accepting the situation and how it makes you feel instead of denying it or trying to avoid it.

– Writing about your feelings can help give youclarity on how you have been feeling. Hence, giving you a better understanding of your emotional state.

– Visiting a professional, who can counsel you through difficult times can be very helpful.

– Trying to help others and lending them an ear can also help bring some peace.

– To understand the feeling of helplessness you should talk about it to a therapist and explore various aspects of how it makes you feel as a whole.

– Hold on to the good memories in case you have lost a loved one, this will give you strength in times of weakness.

Grief is a cruel emotion and it hurts us in more ways than we understand, but it is also a part of life and has to be taken in stride. What matters is the path we choose while dealing with it. A lot of people prefer to go to grief retreats in Spain and Europe to overcome this emotion. These healing retreats set up in nature-bound spaces are one of the best ways to deal with grief as they give all kinds of services starting from accommodation to professional help as and when required. So, accept how you feel and then start your journey from there to the path of healing.

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