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5 Simple Steps to Choosing the Right Colors for Your Home Walls

wall paint

The home improvement project no doubt would be tiresome as you have to choose every minor detail. But the most complicated is picking the right scheme. You need to think of the palette as a backdrop which would provide you a chance to create a cohesive look for the décor and the furnishing so that you will have the entire home looking like your vision. You can look for a good paint shop in Singapore to find a professional company that can help you with the same.

Deciding the right paint scheme

If you are facing difficulty in choosing the right paint scheme for your home, then here are the steps that would be helpful.

• Gather inspiration

When choosing the home color scheme, the first thing to identify is your favorite color. Now you need to take a look at a designer you love, magazine, clips on Pinterest inspirations, etc., to get the inspiration. You can even look to buy wall paint in Singapore to learn about the trends that are currently going on in the country.

• Look at the existing colors

You need to check out the current colors of your home. There is a possibility that you can’t change the color of the countertops or flooring. Thus, you must choose the colors right. You will have to work with the tones and the colors in case re-modeling is not an option. Thus, choosing colors that harmonize with permanent ones would be beneficial.

• Choose the theme, mood, and style

You need to think about the look. Consider this choosing the colors. It would be helpful to pick those options that bring peace. Also, consider the style you want to work with. For instance, you might like a traditional area or a happy feeling at home. Consider the look and the mood to work with the color theory and then decide.

• Pick saturated colors

When choosing the color for your home, it is important that it clearly depicts your taste and style, or else you will easily get tired of them. Choosing the saturated color scheme would be the best as it would give a happy feeling while ensuring it depicts your style. You need to choose the color that harmonizes with each other, especially when you are using a split complementary or analog scheme. You can buy wall paint online in Singapore as it would provide you the convenience of checking out the multiple options and getting good deals.

• Consider the neutral tones

The final step is to choose neutral colors, as they would work well with the saturated options. You can consider greys or white as they are the preferable ones. The color will form the backdrop for the harmonious and saturated color. They must be used on permanent fixtures like flooring, molding, cabinets, etc.


Once you have decided on the right color scheme, you need to look to buy wall paint in Singapore to find a company that can provide you with the best quality products at an affordable rate. No doubt it would require a bit of research, but for sure, you would be able to purchase something that would be a perfect fit for your plan.

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